Celebrating Technology

In this post I want to celebrate the technological advances and the diverse opportunities and freedoms which have become available because of TECHNOLOGY. Everyday I benefit from computers and the internet. My life as an artist has been greatly enhanced, and yet, I am still troubled.

I believe the general agreement is that the world has been made smaller by technology because it is so easy now to communicate across great distances in a short amount of time. For me, however, it has made the world so much larger and has given me a greater perspective of the scope of human effort to find significance.

The internet with all of its social networking sites, can be overwhelming to me at times. So many people, like myself, trying to get noticed. Each one looking for some degree of validation. I feel like I am wandering through a crowded mall or trying to make my way through a congested airport. I can’t help but feel more alone at these sites. Everyone is so busy trying to promote their own agenda it is difficult to make and sustain any real connection.

The freedom of expression being exercised through one forum or another further exposes the reality that dark and ugly emotions and crippling prejudices are running rampant in our cultures. It is my opinion that, as a race, we are still spiritually stunted.

That said, today, I will open my design software and get out my magic pad and pen and make something beautiful, all courtesy of technology.


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